Prince’s Trust Enterprise Programme

A good source for help with funding is the Prince’s Trust, which offers development awards to help younger people kickstart their business or access training courses.

At present the Trust offers development awards of up to £500 for UK residents aged between 16 and 30 who are looking for funds to help with training. They must fit the following criteria:

Aged 16 to 30 and living in the UK
Studying less than 14 hours a week or not in compulsory education
Unemployed or working less than 16 hours a week

Furthermore, development awards can support:

Accredited course fees up to Level 3 (A level equivalent)
Tools, equipment or uniforms for a job or qualification
Job licence fees
Transport to a new job until your first pay slip

Development awards can’t support:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Living expenses e.g. rent or bills
Business start-up costs
Costs for items that have already been paid for
Gap year or overseas projects​​​​​​​
Level 4 course fees and beyond (i.e. Higher National Certificate​​​​​​ or Diploma)

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